Infant Toddler Lesson 2; 12 – 36 months

WELCOME everyone! Enter the Pool and Gather in a Circle. Greet each adult/child pair and take time to allow babies and caregivers to adjust to the water. Introduce yourself, talk about what an amazing journey this will be with the caregiver and the baby. Demonstrate the Little Harbor Hold. Caregivers lengthen their arms to support their student under the armpits. Allow babies to explore the feelings of buoyancy and balance with support and you encourage caregivers to support as low in the water as possible so babies can learn to stabilize themselves (parents may need to bend their knees slightly to achieve this). 

Welcome Song in Little Harbor. Gather parents into a circle and Talk To The Group. Ask the group if they have any questions about having their babies in the water and what they are most excited to gain from the class! Sway back and forth in little harbor while parents and infants get adjusted and relaxed. Next,  sing the song and encourage the Parents  to sing and splash along.  

Side Support Review.  Why: To remind parents the importance of babies being able to feel the water supporting them.


  • Stay low in the water with your baby, if your arms feel like they are supporting, then the water is not supporting, bend knees, lower arms, ease up on grip, hold gently under the armpits off to the side of the body.
  • Check in with your baby to make sure they are not drinking the water
  • Engage with your baby eye contact, smiles, etc.


Dock Bridge and Noodle Fountain in Side Support. Instruct parents to hold their baby under the armpits and position themselves on one side of their body.  While they move in a circular pattern hold the noodle up against the jet to create a fountain for them to pass under. Coach parents with walking slowly under the fountain and looking  for the natural reaction of their baby as the water pours over their face. After a few cycles you should notice that the student is prepared and simply closes their eyes and mouth when under the water. Be sure to move the fountain around and wash the water from the back of the head to the front as it is less intimidating. FOR MORE ADVANCED STUDENTS; Encourage parents to submerge their student while moving under the fountain. If  students are able to monkey walk (independently or with assistance, they can do so to the fountain).

Noodle Boat Exploration.  Have the parent place the student into the noodle boats facing the ring then gently tighten the ring. Be sure the student is positioned so that the noodle is at their armpits and their back is against the curve of the noodle.  This keeps the student low in the water and creates a better feeling of balance and results in the student being more comfortable in the noodle boat. 

FOR MORE ADVANCED STUDENTS; Encourage parents to lessen or remove their support of the noodle to allow students to feel buoyancy and balance while being less supported.  

Back Float Introduction and Practice. There are a variety of supporting positions that can be used for back floats but keep the following tips in mind:

  • Hold with relaxed fingers, hands, and shoulders.
  • Make good eye contact with the baby by leaning over and looking down.
  • Aim to keep the ears in the water and gently sway back and forth.
  • Let the water do the work and use as little support as possible

Back Float under the Bridge. Encourage parents to support their children on their backs and tip toe around the pool in a circle.  Use a large cup to sprinkle water through the holes in the mat and onto the baby’s toes as they pass through. Be mindful of not pouring water onto the parent. 

Fishes in the Ocean. Parents support babies in a seated position on the edge of the pool.  Explain to parents that if that now is the chance to submerge gently under their water after the three count. Note; When babies are first learning to submerge it is appropriate to take them under the water for up to 3 seconds and the maximum number of submersions per class is 6.

Wheels on the Bus. Gather students and parents into a circle and float some toys in the center of the circle. Wrap up the class with any announcements, then encourage parents to follow along with the movements of the yellow bus as you move around the pool one last time.