Lesson 8; 3 – 12 months


Conditioning with Watering Cans

Why: Breath Control

How: Instruct parents to take a seat on the steps and hand them each a cup or watering can (this can be performed standing as well).  Encourage parents to begin by pouring water gently from the back of the child’s head to the front so it is less intimidating. This technique is used to teach the students to hold their breath in response to the water being poured over their head, eyes, nose and mouth.  Proper conditioning is a crucial first step to preparing for submerging!

Noodle Fountain

Why: Breath Control

How: Instruct parents to hold their little one under the arms and facing each other.  While they move in a circular pattern hold the noodle up against the jet to create a fountain for them to pass through. Train parents to walk slowly through the fountain and look for the natural reaction of the child when the water pours over their face. After a few cycles you should notice that the student is prepared and simply closes their eyes and mouth when under the water. Water washing from the back of the head to the front is always less intimidating.

Noodle Boat Fun

Why: Buoyancy, Balance and Movement

How: Have parent place the student into the noodle boats facing the ring then gently tighten the ring. Be sure the student is positioned so that the noodle is at their armpits and their back is against the curve of the noodle.  This creates a batter feeling of balance and results in the student being more comfortable in the noodle boat.  Note; Place a small plastic ball under an infants chin if they are not able to independently hold their head up.  

Back Float under the Bridge 

Why: Buoyancy and Balance

How: Assist parents with supporting their children on their backs in the cheek-to-cheek position. Have them travel backward under the tunnel for several rounds to help students relax on their backs. Sing the song for a few rotations to get students to relax on their backs.

Fishes in the Ocean

Why: Breath Control and Safety.

How: Students climb out at the edge of the pool, sit on the edge with their feet in the water and with or without parent’s assistance sing the song and fall in on cue.

Song Lyrics: Fishes in the ocean, Fishies in the Sea, we all fall in on 1-2-3!

Wheels on the Bus

Why: To end each class on a happy note!

How: Gather students and parents into a circle and pass out a small floating bus toy to each student. Ask the parents to match their actions to the lyrics of the song.

Song Lyrics:  The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheel on the bus go round and round all through the pool! Repeat with the following lyrics:

  • Windows go up and down!
  • Wipers go Swish, Swish, Swish!
  • Doors go open and shut.
  • Horn goes beep, beep beep.
  • Babies Wave Bye Bye.
