Swim Team Prep; I’m Terrific at Backstroke!

The Evolution of Backstroke


Before 1900, recreational swimmers were doing a variation of the popular breaststroke, but performing it upside down on the back. This inverted breaststroke was a predecessor to the back crawl. Introduced in the 1900’s, the back crawl developed from the inverted breaststroke and the trudgen. As the front crawl became more popular, swimmers tried the alternating overarm style on the back. Combined with a flutter kick, this created a fast and efficient way to swim on the back. In 1912, the back crawl became a competitive event. Backstroke was the second stroke to be swum in competitions after the front crawl. The first Olympic backstroke competition was the 1900 Paris Olympics men’s 200 metre.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpLr5YwXKKg&w=560&h=315]


    • Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×50 Freestyle
      • 2×50 Flutter Kick
        • One on belly with board, one on back in streamline


  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest


      • 4×50 Freestyle
      • 4×50 Flutter Kick
        • One on belly with board, one on back in streamline


  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest. 


    • 6×50 Freestyle
    • 6×50 Flutter kick  
      • One on belly with board, one on back in streamline


Main Set

    •  Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×50 Backstroke
        • Alternating strokes arms coming all the way way out of the water straight up 
        • Thumbs come out of the water first, pinkys enter the water first (Princess wave) 
        • Rotating shoulders with each stroke
      • 2×50 Six Kick Switch
        • One arm in streamline position one arm down by their side
        • Kick six times then pull down with one arm and bring the other arm up to streamline position, repeat
      • 2×50 Shoulder Roll (Body Balance Drill)
        • Both arms down at their side
        • Kicking on their back and alternating rotating each shoulder out of the water 


  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest


      • 4×50 Backstroke
        • Alternating strokes arms coming all the way way out of the water straight up 
        • Thumbs come out of the water first, pinkys enter the water first (Princess wave) 
        • Rotating shoulders with each stroke
      • 4×50 Six Kick Switch
        • One arm in streamline position one arm down by their side
        • Kick six times then pull down with one arm and bring the other arm up to streamline position, repeat
      • 4×50 Shoulder Roll (Body Balance Drill)
        • Both arms down at their side
        • Kicking on their back and alternating rotating each shoulder out of the water 


  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest. 


    • 6×50 Backstroke
      • Alternating strokes arms coming all the way way out of the water straight up 
      • Thumbs come out of the water first, pinkys enter the water first (Princess wave) 
      • Rotating shoulders with each stroke
    • 6×50 Six kick switch
      • One arm in streamline position one arm down by their side
      • Kick six times then pull down with one arm and bring the other arm up to streamline position, repeat
    • 6×50 Shoulder Roll (Body Balance Drill)
      • Both arms down at their side
      • Kicking on their back and alternating rotating each shoulder out of the water 


Cool Down

    • Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×25 Freestyle
        • Alternating arms, bent elbows, breathing to the side
      • 2×25 Breaststroke
        • Pull, breath, kick, glide, toes pointed out
      • 2×25 Backstroke
        • Alternating arms all the way out of the water, thumb out first, pinky in first, rotating shoulders


  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest


      • 4×25 Freestyle
        • Alternating arms, bent elbows, breathing to the side
      • 4×25 Breaststroke
        • Pull, breath, kick, glide, toes pointed out
      • 4×25 Backstroke
        • Alternating arms all the way out of the water, thumb out first, pinky in first, rotating shoulders


  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest. 


    • 6×25 Freestyle
      • Alternating arms, bent elbows, breathing to the side
    • 6×25 Breaststroke 
      • Pull, breath, kick, glide, toes pointed out
    • 6×25 Backstroke
      • Alternating arms all the way out of the water, thumb out first, pinky in first, rotating shoulders