Swim Team Prep; My Breaststroke Is Beautiful!

The Evolution of Breaststroke

The Breaststroke is the oldest known swimming stroke that is still used in competition and until the 1950’s it was the only stroke with a defined style.  The Breaststroke is the slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming. The fastest breaststrokers can swim about 1.57 metres per second and although it is the slowest of the four competitive strokes, it is commonly agreed that it is by far the most difficult to do correctly. It is also often the most challenging stroke to teach to rising swimmers due to the importance of timing and the coordination required to move the legs properly.


Don’t Forget to Incorporate the Pace Clock in Every Lesson!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgZ7wtb4XVA&w=560&h=315]


    •  Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×50 Freestyle
      • 2×50 Flutter Kick
  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest
      • 4×50 Freestyle
      • 4×50 Flutter Kick
  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest.
    • 6×50 Freestyle
  • 6×50 Flutter kick 


Main Set

    •  Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×50 Breaststroke
        • Proper timing and technique, pull, breath, kick, glide
        • Toes pointed out, kick out, snap legs back together 
        • Arms in a big circle, palms facing out bring them around to their chest shoot back out into 
      • 2×50 Breastroke Kick
        • Holding board or in streamline?
        • Straight legs, bend knees, kick feet out(toes pointed out), snap legs back together (all the way together)
      • 2×50 Pull-Kick-Kick-Glide
        • One stroke while holding legs still, breathing with each stroke, then two kicks and a two second glide with hands in sandwich hand position after each kick
  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest
      • 4×50 Breastroke
        • Proper timing and technique, pull, breath, kick, glide
        • Toes pointed out, kick out, snap legs back together 
        • Arms in a big circle, palms facing out bring them around to their chest shoot back out into
      • 4×50 Breastroke Kick
        • Holding board or in streamline?
        • Straight legs, bend knees, kick feet out(toes pointed out), snap legs back together (all the way together)
      • 4×50 Pull-Pull-Kick-Glide
        • Two strokes while holding legs still, breathing with each stroke, then one kick and  a two second glide with hands in sandwich hand position
  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest.
    • 6×50 Breastroke
      • Proper timing and technique, pull, breath, kick, glide
      • Toes pointed out, kick out, snap legs back together 
      • Arms in a big circle, palms facing out bring them around to their chest shoot back out into
    • 6×50 Breastroke kick 
      • Holding board or in streamline?
      • Straight legs, bend knees, kick feet out(toes pointed out), snap legs back together (all the way together)
    • 6×50 Pull-Pull-Kick-Glide
      • Two strokes while holding legs still, breathing with each stroke, then one kick and  a two second glide with hands in sandwich hand position


Cool Down

    • Beginner – 10 Seconds Rest
      • 2×25 Freestyle
      • 2×25 Breaststroke
  • Intermediate – 5 Seconds Rest
      • 4×25 Freestyle
      • 4×25 Breaststroke
  • Advanced – 5 Seconds rest.
    • 6×25 Freestyle
  • 6×25 Breaststroke 


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpaHls6fyW8&w=420&h=315]