Spring Lesson 6; 3 – 12 months

Welcome Song in Little Harbor

Why: Buoyancy, Balance and Socialization!

How: Gather in a circle and have parents lengthen their arms to support their student to create the Little Harbor position. This position allows student to explore the feelings of buoyancy and balance with support.  Encourage parents to support as low in the water as possible so the student can learn to stabilize their position (parents may need to bend their knees slightly to achieve this). Parents and students are also free to splash their hands while singing along.  This reminds the parents, infants and toddlers that the water is everywhere and helps to acclimate them to that sensation. 

Song Lyrics: _______is here today __________is here today _________ let’s all splash the water __________ is here today!

Noodle Fountain


Why: Breath Control and Submerging

How: Instruct parents to hold their little one under the arms and facing each other.  While they move in a circular pattern hold the noodle up against the jet to create a fountain for them to pass through. Train parents to walk slowly through the fountain and look for the natural reaction of the child when the water pours over their face. Take a few rounds with just water on the head and then a few with a full submersion.


Mirror Game

Why: Breath Control 

How: Prop a kick-board with a mirror stuck to it along the wall (one for each student).  Have parents take a few steps back and support their child under their arms.  Cue 1-2-3 then under and swim to the wall.  Encourage students to grasp the wall (if possible) and look up into the mirror.  Practice a few times. 


Roll Overs

Why: Breath Control,  Submerging and Safety

How: Support the child under the arms while facing the parent with the noodle in between the two of you. Be sure the cue the student (1, 2, 3 lift up then submerge. Once they are fully submerged and before the parent takes hold, rotate them to the back.

Belly Slide with Monkey Walk

Why: Breath Control, Submerging and Fun!

How: Set up props along the wall to keep the class moving. Use mirrors or toys for babies to look at as they are circling around and taking turns on the slide.  Allow parents to cue 1-2-3 and have them slide in head first. Head first sliding is a natural way for a young infant to explore breath control!

Back Float Under the Big Mirror

Back Float 

Why: Buoyancy and Balance 

How: There are a variety of support positions on the back but the position in which the parent and student are both relaxed is key.  Educate parents about the importance of being in a relaxed state 

Fishes in the Ocean

Why: Breath Control and Safety.

How: Students climb out at the edge of the pool, sit on the edge with their feet in the water and with or without parent’s assistance sing the song and fall in on cue.  

FOR MORE ADVANCED STUDENTS; Encourage parents to submerge their child completely or to allow the to fall into the water independently and / or  add the turn around by having parents position themselves at the side of their children and assist them with falling in on cue, submerging and turning  to the wall.

Song Lyrics: Fishes in the ocean, Fishies in the Sea, we all fall in on 1-2-3!

Wheels on the Bus

Why: To end each class on a happy note!

How: Gather students and parents into a circle and pass out a small floating bus toy to each student. Ask the parents to match their actions to the lyrics of the song.

Song Lyrics:  The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheel on the bus go round and round all through the pool! Repeat with the following lyrics:

    • Windows go up and down!
    • Wipers go Swish, Swish, Swish!
    • Doors go open and shut.
    • Horn goes beep, beep beep.
    • Babies Wave Bye Bye.